Friday 15 April 2011

Questionnaire FeedBack Double Page Article

The questionnaire i created for my double page spread is short and simple, with non bias questions in the questionnaire. I have chosen to keep this the same as the contents page and front cover as it is effective with some open questions.
This is the questionnaire that i used to get feedback about double page articles, i think it is effective as it short with questions that can easily be answered.

The top graph shows how many pages people think a article should consist of, i chose to include this to get a idea of what people want to read about. The second graph shows how many pictures people think should be on a graph, i chose to include this graph as its important to not put too many pictures on the article because it can ruin it. Overall i think i will be paying extra close attention to these two graphs when making my article as they will help me into seeing what the audience want to see, if they get what they want it means the magazine will sell.

Questionnaire FeedBack Contents Page

This questionnaire is what i created to get audience feedback about the contents page before i started making it, I found that the results where as suspected because of the research i did in existing magazine contents pages.

Like the front cover questionnaire i have decided to keep this one simple, by keeping it simple and non bias questions it allows me to get the feedback that i need while being able to change somethings.

The top graph shows the amount of pictures people believe should be on the contents page, i agree with this graph as research also showed this was the popular number of pictures to have on the graph, 2 small pictures of one large picture.  The bottom graph shows where people think the title "contents" should be placed, the graph backs up my initial idea of where i think it should be placed. Overall i agree with both graphs as they backup the research and the initial ideas i had about placing the title and how many pictures.

Questionnaire FeedBack Front Cover

I created 3 simple questionnaires to give me back some feed back into what to do for my magazine front cover, contents page and article.  The feed back i got followed.
This was the questionnaire for the front cover
As you can see if i have kept it simple and short with easy no bias questions, this allows me to find out what the audience want and keep some of my own ideas as well.

The top graph shows the age group that took part in the questionnaire, i chose to make a graph out of this as it has numerical data which is easy to make a graph out, a graph also makes it easier to read.
The middle chart is about the favorite genre, i included a graph about this because it shows how popular which genre is, i can use this information to decide what would be the beat option when making a magazine.
The bottom graph shows what colours where popular in the questionnaire, i can use this to determine the theme of the magazine that i will use.

Audience FeedBack Double Page Article

Jack Bland
Positives - it looks smart with the way the text is presented
the pictures suit the surroundings not drawing too much attention but giving some information about the artist that cant be described in words
the title at the top is nicely presented
Negatives - the boarder suits this page but its presented on every page so some variation will not be frowned upon
the background is all white, i think you should use something other than white

Oli Warden
Positives - i like the title at the top it gives a nice effect
The pictures suit the rest of the page
Negatives - the boarder is used too often
the white background is used on every page
i think that some more text could of been added with different questions

Dean Ramsay
Positives - The title was the first thing i noticed which was then followed by the pictures, the eye contact in the pictures makes it look like they are talking directly to the audience.
The easy to notice questions are typed in red font which makes it easy to distinguish from the answers
negatives - There are three pictures, its like you have used one of them to fill some space that you couldnt think to put anything else there.
the way the artist speaks isnt like a typical artist, know slang or sayings that you would predict from the artist.

Lewis Atkins
Positives - The way the artist is presented in the pictures makes him look like he is talking directly to the audience
The boarder suits the page better than contents and front cover as you can see the divide.
Negative  - The writing isnt in the expected slang of a artist
the title matches the mast head of the contents too much
The saying at the top doesnt make sense without reading through the article

Audience FeedBack Contents Page

Jack Bland
Positives - I think that the contents is smartly laid out with the italic font.
i like the way the text moves around the picture, making the picture seem more important.
The matching boarder looks quite good as it links it to the front cover.
Negatives - There is too much on the contents page, too much for the eye to take in
no background, the white background makes it look like little effort was put into it

Dean Ramsay
Positives - i think that the title is well done gives a nice effect
the way you have designed the tattoo is very well done, makes everything else seem real
negatives - doesnt seem to be many pages in this magazine
The picture of the artist isnt very big
the smart looking italic font is quite hard to read.

Oli Warden
Positives - I like the small image at the bottom leaning on the title of the magazine, It gives a nice feel
the way contents is split into two and the words over lap each other
the exclusive stamp at the bottom gives a nice effect
Negatives - it looks quite messy and rushed to be put together
the boarder its too attention drawing like on the front cover
the writing is hard to read

Lewis Atkins
Positives - i like the way the text is structured around the pictures
the images arnt too attention drawing from the rest of the cover
the tattoo gives a real feel to the rest of the contents page as you have other images other than the ones taken
negatives - looks quite clustered and busy
i think you could utilise the space more make it give a nice effect
the title at the bottom isnt seen in many music magazines.

Audience FeedBack - Front Cover

Jack Bland
Positives - I think jake has edited the picture well, this is because he has used a way which wouldnt normally work well but as it fits in with his style and colour theme.
The boarder that he has used makes it less boring and more interesting, its also different.
The style of the font, that is used to create a effect and placement of the font.
I like the clean lay out that has been used to create a smart looking front cover.
Negatives - I think it would look better with a background that can be used in more than on page.
Dont keep changing the colour of the fonts every letter, it plays with the eyes, would look better if it was just one solid colour.
No subtitle under the mast head, this can be used to give information about the magazine.

Oli warden
Positives - The picture is the main eye catching and an attractive feature
well combined colour scheme
negative - i'm repelled by the black border on the left hand side

Dean Ramsay
Positives - I like the title, its underline really makes it stand out
The shade added to the picture adds a nice effect which makes the image stand out.
The effect added to the picture gives a different feel to the whole picture as it catches the most attention and because he is looking directly at the camera
Negative - The boarder down the side draws too much attention
The picture should be slightly smaller and have more headings
maybe put the barcode on the inside page instead of the front cover.

Lewis Atkins
Positives - the image was the first thing to catch my eye, he looks cool and is staring right into the eyes of the viewer
The title matches the surroundings really well as it keeps the name of the magazine bold and noticeable
Negatives - Have more titles on the front cover instead of a large image.
dont change the colour of the text so often

Thursday 14 April 2011


In the evaluation the following questions must be answered:
·         In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

·         How does your media product represent particular social groups?

·         What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

·         Who would be the audience for your media product?

·         How did you attract/address your audience?

·         What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

·         Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Question: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Front cover - My front cover all started with research of different magazines from different genres how ever all where well known and sell well, i chose to take different genres at it gives me a range to decide which suits my personality best, after i chose the genre i started to look into more detail about how the titles of that well known magazine also took a deep look into the pictures, camera angles shadows, lighting and any other techniques they have used to edit the image best for the magazine. The research plays a big part into my final design as without inspiration from other magazines i would not have created what i have. Also in the research i found some Dos and Donts which helped me a lot, for example never have too much writing! i used a lot of these common noticeable dos and donts very handy through out the construction design and creation of my magazine cover. A very common feature of magazines that i stumbled upon in research is that there is a lot of colour coordination going on between pictures and the text, have also noticed that some fonts have been based to match with the picture as well. The colours also where eye catching, as in they would stick in your mind like a bright light. this is good as it leaves a image in the audiences mind which is a form of advertising. I also took great look into the background used in magazines as it really makes a difference when making your own, i found that they either used dull colours to make the text and picture stand out or white, i think white is used a lot as anything looks bold and powerful on a background of white.
When it came to finding features that attracted the audience i only had my opinion which could make the decision bias, how ever as i took the sample of popular magazines i know that my opinion is not alone as these magazines are national.
My research also found that a lot of magazines use the same sort of size font for most things, i chose to accept that this is a popular feature to the public and target audience and therefore decided to use this idea in my own magazine cover, My image being the largest thing on the page with the artist looking directly into the camera causes a lot of emotional information as eye to eye contact between humans is unique. The placement for the mast head, headings and picture are all pretty standard to, i also chose to follow the crowd on this one how ever i do not have as many headings as the typical magazine does as my page filler is the picture. another feature in which makes a huge impact on audiences is the way space is used and place, every one knows that not every part of the magazine has to be covered with something. So the way space is used is one of the most important things when designing a cover. i used my white background as a advantage, as i have gone for a clean look the large amounts of space that are left suit the surroundings. I had to rearrange some things in the creation of my front cover because the space was drawing too much attention to the viewer and made the thing as a whole look like it was done very poorly. Also tried several different images before coming to the one i used in the final front cover this was because of the space issue, the size and shape of the picture was causing too much space and making it noticeable.

Contents Page - When researching my contents page i tried to use a variety of magazines just like i did with my front cover, i chose to do this again for my contents as it prove very effective and easy way to notice some things that not every one would notice, i could notice different things because i was comparing magazines to find out which one appealed to me and my "target audience" most. Following this i took note of the detail that i would like to use in my magazine such as page lay out, amount of writing /pictures that is on the page. Also the background i took extra notice for i was mostly looking to see if it matched the front cover or if it was using a different theme, in my magazine i have chosen to link the contents page to the front cover by a usage of pictures and colour schemes. I also used 2 things that not many magazines use - i have a boarder around the left hand side of my front cover, i used this on the contents page as well which helped me keep proportions and ratios about font and image size, also on the contents page i chose to include the title at the bottom left, this was not only to fill space but to advertise the logo of the magazine. The detail about contents pages i also noticed a lot of magazines put where a mast head would normally go "contents page" - even though most readers would already know that this was the contents page! I think that this started because one magazine used it as a type of fashion and its taken from there, i think that because its popular is why I'm using it in my magazine, also i think it looks good and suits the clean feel I'm trying to create, As for the background i am not using one on the contents page either, i think that the white background look is nice and adds a nice feel to contents as a whole.
as for the placement of pictures i chose to have small pictures for the contents to leave me room for text, although i had more than one picture! in the research i did i found that magazines tend to have one larger picture and base the text around the shape of that picture, My text is still based around the pictures but they are much smaller and have a lot less amount of impact as a big one. In the research i found that the font and text varied for different genres, A music magazine based on rap and hip hop i found that the font was more italic and looked a lot smarted where as a contents page i analyzed which was based upon rock and heavy metal music used a messier lay out, i chose to keep a smart clean looking lay out, this ties in with my boarder that lays down the left hand side, it keeps everything organized for me and lets me play around with different lay outs to see which suits best. I later looked into the title placement and found that the title/ masthead "contents" is always located at the top in every magazine that i analyzed, i also used this in my final design and decided to use the masthead at the top of the page, the word "contents" on my design is also tied into the red black and white theme that i have been using, gives a nice feel and looks more professional that if i used more than a certain amount of colours as for a sell line on my contents page i dont have one, i kept it to a minimum with it going strait into the page numbers with a little inside information on what is on the page.

Double Page Article -The research that i did of double page articles i found that no two articles are the same, so i had to look closely to find what factors some articles from the same genre magazine shared. The main one i found is that most articles are question and answer, i think this is used because it makes the people think they are actually talking to interviewee, i have chosen to use this method instead of any other methods such as information about the artist, or a bibliography style double page spread. as i mentioned i think this method is extremely useful when joined with a picture that is looking at the camera as it makes the audience/reader feel like they are being spoken to directly from the artist, also this method is really easy to apply to more than one fan base as more than one question can be asked and answered without taking up much of the page.
The lay out of the articles i found through research is all different, the titles changes place on every article but i found a majority of them had the title across the top or top left, i also found that not all articles had titles some had quotes or phrases the artist famously said as the introduction / title. I personally chose to have a smallish title in the top left followed by a quote that the interviewee of my article said, i chose both as it gave me more to talk about in the question and answers. They also both draw attention, making people want to read on, over all i think that using both may have its advantages how ever it may also have its disadvantages for example it may come across as too much, or a waste of space. The font of the text is just a bold easy to read standard font, i chose to use this because it is very easy for the audience to read and doesn't seem to be too putting off at first glance, The colour of the text matches the theme of the whole magazine, the questions are in a bold red which matches the mast head of the magazine and the answers are in a black font, slightly smaller than the question which i think makes people automatically read the question before jumping to the answer. Over all i think this works really well as the background is white and the text contrasts which makes it noticeable and isn't too much to take in at once. In the research i found that every article had one or two pictures of the artist they where interviewing on the double page spread, it usually involved one big picture and then one smaller picture, i think this is used because it gives a nice interactive feel to the interview, in my magazine i have chosen to include two pictures of the artist, one big and one small. I think including a picture of the artist looking into the camera gives the interactive eye contact and in the second picture hell be busy or in the middle of performing, i think that its good to include the audience in the moment to make them want to be there, or even find out information about what happened causing them to read on. The placement of the pictures is everything in the articles it can really finish of a good article nicely, where i have placed mine is where i think they suit best, on the right hand side of the right hand page and the bottom right of the left hand page, i think this will suit the lay out of the questions and because the pictures are edited with a smooth finish it will suit it all very well and wont take too much space. As like my front cover and contents the double page spread has the same boarder but this time its on both sides, although i reflected it horizontally so there is nothing in the middle, it also makes the page look one, The same colour scheme also applies for everything on the page which links it to the front cover and contents page, i think that the colour scheme works well through the magazine as it lets the audience know what is related to what without having to think about it. The use of space in the double page spreads I found was always a well used factor. a majority of the space was taken up by writing and the rest of gaps is filled with images so its quite easily filled.

Question: How does your media product represent particular social groups? 

 My media product is representing the late teens up to adults as applies to all in that field, it applies to teens as the images i have used are of a teenager from my school, i chose to you some one this age as it allows me to play on the fact that a lot of magazines like to pick up on the "up coming artists" as it widens the target audience, it also gives the effect and thought that "if he can do it at that age why cant we?" which inspires a lot of young people into becoming artists which is what this magazine is about, it also helps the sales with the magazine if people are inspired by its contents. Another thing about using a younger person is that they tend to be the fashion setters for every one else, the older audience want to act young and the younger audience want to act old, puts the teenagers in the middle which is what i picked up on when taking my pictures, i used a stylish clothed artist which attracts a wide range of audience that might not just be for the music but for the clothes as well, I'm not stereotyping in this post I'm just showing what a majority of the target audience is about. My media product represents gender by applying to both females and males, it achieves this by having factors in which both are attracted to, for example i have used a stylish male rapper as my artist to interview, this attracts the females as hes attractive and they love his music, all rappers have a huge female fan base. He also attracts the males as his music for starters is a lot about what they might be experiencing and his fashion sense might inspire them to dress in different ways, he also speaks a lot about being who you are and not someone else. over all i think that having a large target audience is good because it will increase the popularity of the magazine. The stance in which the artist is presented in the photographs gives a strong images in which a lot of people will try to copy in hope to become what the artist has. The sexuality of my magazine design is open to all, nothing discriminates any form of sexuality, i have done this to ensure that the target audience is quite wide and doesn't create a hate fan base in which could cause problems for the magazine.
My magazine represents social class by appealing to more than one class, this is achieved by having celebrities that the lower class want to be like and then teaching the lower class how to be like the upper class. Also as the interview lets the audience into the artists life it gives the effect that they actually know the artist and part of his life, This makes every one who isn't in the upper class feel better about who they are. Over all i think that appealing to more than one type of social class is important as it makes people feel one instead of discriminating a particular class. If i could change one thing about how i represent social class it would be to maybe include a article from another class other than the celebrity to show how they deal with life and to influence other people. Regional identity is shown because my artist is British how ever he is world famous which gives effect that his actions represent the country, this can work well if his actions are good but if they are bad they can reflect on the country in a bad way.
My media product represents ethnicity by no discriminating any one type of person, this is proven by appealing to every one in one go. It makes every one feel equal which is what i want to achieve. How ever my images only consist of one ethnic group, it is the of the same person but maybe if i wanted to improve somethings i should of included more than one ethnic group. My target audience fits with the ethnic group that i have picked better than any one else as they are the same and stereotypically enjoy this music. Overall i think that if i was to improve this i would apply to many ethnic groups how ever i have only chosen to do one, This makes things easier when creating my magazine and allows me to make a theme for it as a whole.

Question: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? 

i have looked into three different media groups,, and First of all i looked into IPC media, i found that there is room for them to take on my magazine as they dont currently have any music magazines that they promote, How ever if i was to go through this company many doubts enter my head as they have no experience into the distributions, advertising and promoting music magazines so have no idea about how the target audience act. for the current reason i will not be using this company to promote my magazine as i think that i need a company with more experience and knowing in what to do. This is mostly due to the fact they focus on different areas, such as Gardening magazines and Photography magazines.
The media group i looked at was Condenast, I found that once again there is room for my magazine on the market how ever the magazines they currently distribute are all glamour magazines about life style with a few exceptions,  These magazines all have glamorous styles and apply to the middle and upper class mostly, there fore i will not be using condenast for my magazine as they are clearly not looking into music magazines, i know this because every magazine they distribute is about life style, culture and food. Not only would they not be interested in my magazine but i dont think they have any experience into distributing music magazines which is why i wont be using them. The only way they will take my magazine on is if they changed there style and where looking for something new, open a new market of magazine which applies for the music industry.
Finally i looked at Bauer media group, This group have a much larger range in the magazines the distribute they range from Match football magazine to some music magazines, The company have a space for my genre of music magazine as there currently is none that they are distributing, i think that the company have experience into the distribution of music magazines because they already have some that they distribute, this makes the company apply more for what i am after. As they have experience and have a space in the market i think that they are my best bet into taking on a new music magazine, i think this is the best possible solution out of the three because they know what they are doing and have a hole in the market, There is no reason other than lack of quality that they would turn this magazine down. Also if they took my magazine on there is no other competition in the media groups that i have analysed which means that it would be easier to sell compared to if there was competition.

Question:Who would be the audience for your media product?

The target audience of my magazine is from the ages of 15+ i have left the age open because every one is different and music applies to different people. The youngest age is limited as some artists use strong language, gestures and actions in which the younger population should not be aloud to see as they are influenced more easily. The artists that are included in the magazine are all of the age 16+ which means they apply to this age range as well, this also ties into the fact that they do things that the younger generation wont experience for years. a way in which i capture the attention of audiences is by including the top artists of the time, this includes a large age range from 16+, i include the top artists because it helps with the popularity of the magazine and also gives it a status symbol if people see a famous well known artist on the front cover. Another way in which i use images to capture the attention of the audience is by including sections which show the up coming artists, this gives the audience a topic in which they are intrigued. Most readers will buy the magazine because they are influenced by the iconic figure that is used to advertise the magazine all this put together will attract the target audience to the magazine.

Question:How did you attract/address your audience?

To attract audiences to the magazine i used several methods, i found in research that popular magazines use common methods to attract the audience, such as on the front cover it doest normally state what type of magazine and genre is specifies in but normally includes a picture of a famous artist / scene for that type of genre, i picked up on this and chose to include a artist instead of bluntly telling the audience what was happening. Its not just the picture that attracts the audience its the names and cover lines that are included on the front cover, for example if i mention a big name and give a little information about whats inside the magazine it will make people who are specifically interested into that person want to read on to find out whats caused a magazine to notice and use this person as a story. Its good for the artist as well including them on the page as it promotes the artists music free of charge, this also makes the artist more popular and can help with their music career however if what ever he is promoting is not good it can have a very bad effect because a lot of people no know about it and would not be easy for the artists to recover. Another way in which i attracted the audience is by using colour schemes and certain fonts, i found in the research that a lot of magazines use bright colours the contrast to the background, this makes it noticeable to the eye. I picked up on this and chose to use it as a style for my magazine, the colours i use leave a image in the audiences mind which is a form of advertising the magazine as they remember what they saw. it also makes the magazine recognisable because it uses a standard title and colour scheme to attract the audience. Another method i used to attract the audience is by using certain fonts, fonts that apply to the target audience, for example i have used fonts that look neat but are not too much and do not resemble other magazines such as a classical music magazine which would use italic fonts because that's what its target audience likes. A catchy font will also leave a unforgettable impression on the audience. Over all i think that the methods mentioned are a good method of attracting the target audience, i think that the most powerful one is pictures because if the artist is looking at the camera if gives the effect that he is looking directly at the audience, calling out to them.

Question:What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Computer skills - i found that when constructing this product it requires some skill in many areas, computer skills was one of the main skills required, This is because once a image had been taken it requires editing too make it suit the magazine, The programs we used for editing included fireworks and publisher, we used these programs as they are simple to use but have some very effective tools which can help with editing. I had some skill on the computer before i started constructing this product, this is because i have used a computer my whole life, for someone that hasn't used a computer before this could be a challenging task, this is because you need more than the basic understanding to achieve the required editing and outcome. This product helped me understand computers a little bit more which will help me later on.
Camera skills - I have used a camera my whole life too so when it came to using a camera for media i found that it was too much of a task, This helped with the time that i spent taking pictures for my product. The cameras we used where digital and very simple to use, it makes the whole process of taking pictures that little bit more quicker, Over all i found that using a camera was not a challenge as it was just a click and go but if i ever did get any problems there was always a teacher /classmates around to help me
Program skills - My programme and software using skills where above normal when it came to using fireworks as i have been using it at home for years, it made editing the image very easy and pain free task, how ever i do not use publisher that ofter so there was some pain trying to figure out what tool to use at what stage, i found that being patient and not rushing your work helps a lot when editing and constructing a product. the construction of this product has improved my skills in fireworks further as i have found knew ways in which i can edit images.
Editing skills - The editing software that was used was fireworks and publisher, these programs are made by two different companies and do different things, i found that using fireworks to edit the picture was easier than publisher and using publisher to construct the page was easier, i found using publisher to construct the page was easy  as it was very easy to place things on the page freely without hassle. Fireworks was easier to edit the picture as  you can select certain parts of the picture to edit and change the colour, certain effects which no other programs can do can be added through fireworks which is what i used on my front cover. Overall i like the two programs we used as they are not to complicated, how ever i have been using fireworks for a long time so its was too much hassle for me.
Blogging Skills - this project was the first time i had ever created and written a blog, it took some time for me to get used to it but after that its actually really easy to blog. We are using blogs as it is accessible any where and is easy to change, update and rearrange things we have already done, i learnt to blog with help of the teacher and fellow class mates which helped me when i got stuck, over all i think that blogger is a very good website and easy to use.

Question: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

when we started the preliminary task i found that i didnt know much about music magazines, after some heavy analysis and working with music magazines for quite some time i have begun to understand what makes them sell and what factors to use. For example, A well advertised bold, contrasting to the background title really helps when coming to the magazine cover. but you couldnt use this same effect on the contents page, its to distracting, In my product i included a big bold title that stands out from the background and is very easy to read with a simple font. i also noticed that fonts and pictures are very important as if you look at my preliminary task i was not able to construct a effective front cover as well as i could now, this is because working with all these magazines has improved my understanding by a lot and increasing my knowlage about music magazines. Another factor which has improved since the preliminary is my ability to cominicate what i think about my product, being honest and saying what you think really helps when it comes to writing up about your product. Over all the preliminary task has helped me noticed somethings that have now helped me to improve my product and without doing the preliminary i would not have noticed.

Finished cover, article. contents

This is the finished front cover, The thing i like the most about this is the image adds a large amount of effect to the whole thing, the image also plays a the most important role in drawing attention, to get this effect from the image i had to adjust the sharpness of the photo and then the hue and saturation, i also added some "snow TV" effect to it to give the random colour changes, i think it works well as its not to powerful but still has a lot of power at the same time. if i could change one thing about the front cover it would be to rearrange the whole thing and have more headings instead of a large close up, also the picture would show more than one person, a band would fit well! over all i really like the colour scheme and the way the picture fits in with everything, the clean simple design is also attracting.


This is the finished contents page, i have rearrange the layout to fit some pictures in to give it a more realistic look, the pictures i have chose to include are to give a insight into a few of the stories that will be included into the magazine, one of the images is not of a person but of a tattoo that i made using fireworks, it took about a hour - 2 hours, and will upload some print screens of that, i included the tattoo so it doesnt look like the only images i use are ones taken by cameras but to show that i can produce some images using creative skills and computer programs. if i could change one thing about this contents page it would be to change the amount of writing and the way everything doesnt look too organized even though thats what i wanted to achieve. over all i think that this contents page isnt the best of my ability but it does fit in with the theme of the article and front cover.

This is the finished double page article, compared to previous pictures i have shown this one includes pictures of the artist, i have chosen to add pictures of the artist because with the style of questions i have used it makes them feel like they are actually talking to them while they look at the picture as they think about the answer the artist has just given, the lay out of this page has not changed since the other pictures that i have shown and i quite like how smart and clean the page looks. I chose to use question and answers because of what i said about it making the audience feel like they are actually speaking to the artist. Over all i like the small sized pictures in the double page because it gives room to get some important information about the artist in the answers, if i only used small amounts of information it would look like the interview was rushed and very unprofessional

Contents Page

This picture is of the basic theme in which is used through out the magazine, as you can see the black boarder down the side has been used again, this is to keep the clean theme and i have used it as a guideline for designing everything in proportion to the last. The title is located at the bottom of the page, not many magazines do this but i have decided to, create my own effect, it keeps the audience in contact with the bright red title that they will remember for a long time, The subtitle at the top is just simply showing that it is the contents page they are viewing.

This picture shows the headings and page numbers, i have decided to have them in an italic font to create a posh effect, it also takes them time to find out whats on each page, making them pay more attention to the pictures which makes them want to read the contents, over all i think that the effect this type of font gives is much greater than if i used the same font as the title, also the colour scheme plays a big roll in the effect of contents in a whole. the small pictures also show whats inside the magazine, if i could change one thing about it it would be the lay out, make it more formal as the double page article is more smartly laid out.

This is the almost finished design shows what it will look like without the images, the images add a great effect in the finished product the colour scheme.

Double Page

This is the double page article from the start, as i mentioned on the front cover i am using a boarder for effect to relate the articles, it also adds a nice effect to the magazine, a clean well organized feel to it. The title is taken from the same idea as the front cover title, how ever i have chosen to not have the font in bold and tilt it slowly to make it not seem like a bigger front cover, under the title, which is the artists recording name, is his real name to show that it involves a information about his personal life.

This picture shows the quote that i created to give the magazine the effect that it was talking to a real artist, the gap between the words is taken into account the join of the two pages, allowing artists to easily read it still. the quote has quite a lot of effect as it states that he doesnt like his own music, this is later on described in the interview of course. It just gives that bit of effect!
This picture is a print screen of the questions and answers, it uses the same red and black lay out, a picture or two will later be included, this just shows the neat clean looking lay out i will be using for the final design as i will not be changing anything about the question and answers just yet. there is also room for something just under the title, a Sub title would suit that space or a picture taken from the contents page/ front cover. over all i think this is a nice neat lay out which suits the rest of the magazine.

Front Cover

Every front cover has to start with something, so on mine i decided to start with some sort of frame in which i can use for all pages of my magazine, a type of theme you could call it. I made the boarder by simply using a square tool in fireworks and then using the rubber with a the fade attachment set to max, this gave a effect that it blends into the white, making the whole thing seem more professional, The title is very quite simple, its just different text boxes used in different layers to and rotated, with a short red box under the title to create a type of font that was available on the software that i was using. The two lines at the top used the same method as the large one down the left hand side just shrunk and rotated. Over all i like the colour scheme as its quite simple, stands out very well and gives a lasting impact on the viewer, another good reason in which i chose this colour scheme is that it is easy to use for more than one type of story and page still have having the same impact.

 This print screen of my cover shows the headings i have chosen to include on the page. i have kept the same colour scheme for the headings as it keeps the same effect, simple yet very powerful. I have chosen to keep the number of headings to a low and have a large image as the main attention, the image is of some one famous that the readers would recognize without the need for much information on him, this artist that is featured on the front will also be the subject of the double page article. The text on the front cover will over lap the picture a little bit but not enough to reduce effect of the photo its self, just enough to keep some attention to the actual headings. The picture i use will be in black and white, i will also try to find something red to colour coordinate it to the title of the magazine.
 This picture is just an example image of what i may use in the final design, the picture is black and white. The i have edited this image to some extent just to see how different effects look on it, for example i have added a slight shadow, you cant see it that well as the picture is black and white. To get the picture black and white from colour is quite simple, in fireworks you just change the hue and saturation levels to give the effective black and white effect that is desired. I think that this picture would be more effective if he was looking directly at the camera, how ever this isnt the picture i will use in the final cover, just an example to show effects and editing.

Monday 7 March 2011

This double page spread is taken from a rock magazine, it shows that it is using a simple black and white layout, the colour scheme of this page is taken from the woman's red shirt which is tied into a very small part of the article which includes some red text. this makes it look like they have taken time to bring this page together and pick up on little things which add a nicer feel to the article as a whole. another thing used on this page to create a effect is the large title which is in fact a quote from the artist, the extreme size of it makes the reader assume that it is more important than the rest of the article. the picture being the part of the article that brings the most attention as the artist featured is looking at the camera as if she is looking at the reader, this gives the eye to eye contact that tells a lot about the facial expression that the artist is feeling, in this she looks quite happy but with a attitude which links into the large title. 

this double page spread is taken from the magazine vibe, i am including this one into the blog as it takes a strange unique style which not many magazines use, in fact this is the first style that i have seen like this. the way this article is so unique is that it uses 2 images which are littered with words about the artist on this page. the images are not as bold as the words but do have there little bit of attention as they are not fully covered by words, there isn't really a colour theme used in this page as so many colours have been used, although black and white seem to be the ones that they have picked up on the most. the black picture background with bold white writing on makes the writing stand out and gives effect to it being more important than the picture, how ever the artist included in the picture is looking directly at the camera which its that important eye contact which makes pictures so effective in drawing attention. the small text over the top of the picture is for those who really want to find out more in detail and have the time to read the whole article, there is a larger segment of text which will sum up the whole article for those that do not want to read the full thing, i think that this is crucial in the magazine because it allows people to find out some detail about the article without having to read the whole thing, it also lets the people know if they want to read on about the rest of the article. The pictures in the article are using different to normal shots and poses, for example the picture on the right page is more standard than the left on how ever the page lay out really changes the whole feel of the picture, the picture on the left how ever uses a strange colour theme which isn't expected in the average magazine, this colour theme involves a black and orange tank top which fits into the colour of the title. over all the strange theme that this article uses is so different it works well which is what the magazine have achieved in a really cleaver method.

This article is a single page from kerrang magazine, i am including this one as it is different from the two above. this page has had to create its own theme as there wasn't anything they could take from the pictures, the yellow and white with a black border make things easy to see. another thing about this colour scheme is that it isn't normal the shade of yellow is a more mustard dark colour which helps with the ease of viewing it. The picture in the top right of the article is surrounded with a boarder to make it look smarter and neater how ever the picture in the bottom left isn't surrounded by a boarder, this is to make it look like he actually quoted the quote in the text there and then. The title is another quote from the artists included in this article which makes the whole thing a band instead of being the solo artists in previous articles that i have examined, the quote is left with a cliff hanger as the publishers cant answer the whole of the article in the title alone. Under the title it states what the article is about and who it is about, this is to let the viewers know what the article consists of and who is inside it. if they didn't include this it would require the readers to skim through the text to find out what the article is about unless they recognised the pictures and took a guess. Below the picture of the main picture is a little snap shot of the new released album for some advertising for the album. I think that the magazine would of offered to include a segment about the album and advertisement to make Linkin Park want to do the interview more. This segment of the album is sectioned off by a boarder to make it stand out from the rest of the article to make it seem more important and lets the readers know that it is not related to the rest of the article.

Friday 4 February 2011

Contents Page

This contents page is taken from the music cover that i analysed earlier, i chose to use the same magazine as it is now possible for cross reference of a different scale. This contents includes a picture of the front cover, although i think that this was later edited in its a good way to see what magazine it came from, As you can see from the front cover it is in a black and white theme. The contents, as suspected, is also in the black and white theme, which adds a theme to the total magazine. How ever there is no red on the contents page which makes me think that vibe want to make the cover stand out more to intrigued into buying the magazine. The picture of the contents page what looks like the stereotypical ghetto looks like. this adds a sympathetic look towards the picture and makes the audience feel happy that he has succeeded in the music industry. Another thing to notice is that there are animals off focus in the picture which gives the effect that this picture was not taken in the UK as there would be no animals in the street. This gives the effect once again that this picture is from a ghetto. The text used in this contents is very small and simple apart from the main headings which uses a complex 'graffiti' type font, this gives the effect of the ghetto and hip hop theme once more.

This contents is taken from the kerrang magazine which i analysed for the front cover, This isn't from the same issue but i find it useful to analyse one from the same brand of magazine because they will be in the same guide lines for all magazines, This magazine uses a clean look with pictures marked with the page numbers, this has been used as it is a quicker way to find out whats on that page without having to read anything, This saves time and i think that the target audience might be of the younger generation which is known for being much more lazy than other generations, this saves reading something that does not have to be read. The picture also gives a lot more information than some text as it can show emotions, whats going on and much more than any words can describe. The contents page uses a colour scheme, all the titles and numbers are of the same colour, this keeps it basic and simple. it still gives of the professional effect though.
The main picture in the contents is nearly 5 times the size of the other pictures this shows that it is more important, it may also mean that this picture is the topic for the double page spread. At the very top there is a large amount of text from the editor which is very small to draw little attention although it is still of some importance, it is also signed by the editor him self to show that it is his work and not from some one else.

This contents page is taken from another hip hop music magazine as i could not find one to match the classical genre. However this magazine is from the same genre as a previous magazine that i analysed, this time the magazine uses a different colour scheme and picture style to make the contents page. the lay out of the contents title is different to normal as it uses 3 lines for one word and its at a strange angle, this adds effect to the magazine and gives it a type of "slang" attitude which fits in with its target audience. the lay out of the contents page its self is very different to the normal stereotypical contents, for example the picture is more important than the words which tell the page numbers with a little description about what is on each page. how ever on this magazine the picture is standing out much more than anything mentioned in the description this may show that the picture is what the main article in the magazine is about and makes the reader want to read on. the small writing makes it harder to read which in tern brings the magazine closer to the readers eyes for them to become more engrossed into the magazine. the picture in the contents is in the same colour scheme as the background, she is wearing a grey top and grey shoes and the background is also grey, this gives a more professional look towards the magazine, this also shoes the the artist featured in this magazine has gone out the way for a photo shoot just for the magazine.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Music Magazine

This is a cover taken from the music magazine "Kerrang!", They are a very popular magazine in the rock industry and hold quite a large amount of the market. I chose to include this magazine on my blog as I'm trying to get a wide range of music, it will help me to compare different styles on different genres of music. In this magazine you can see that they have decided to use the band in the main picture as the theme, they are in front of the title which makes them the center of attention and also gives a well edited look making the magazine look more professional look. As the magazine needs to fit to the criteria for more than one person some other pictures and sub titles have been included to increase the range the magazine applies for. The magazine its self will have more stories inside than that is advertised on the cover only the main more important stories and articles will be advertised on the cover. To add effect to the cover they have used layers to make it more professional looking, for example the pictures are surrounded with a shadow layer to make them stand out. also the theme of this magazine is quite dark with a lot of blood red, it ties in with the fact that it is a rock magazine.

This cover is from a magazine that specializes in the hip hop genre, compared to the kerrang magazine this takes a different style, Vibe goes for a more clean look, on this issue there is no colour scheme so one is created from scratch to work with the picture, As black and red are contrasting colours it works well, The star on the front is very well known in his industry which also helps sell the magazine, you can also see how important he is by the size of the picture compared to the sub headings. unlike most magazines Vibe doesn't put a bar code on the front cover this means that the bar code will have to be placed somewhere else. It also gives a cleaner feel as there is nothing blocking the picture. As the main star of this magazine is T.I. a quote from what he is saying is used as a content info, The quote is in slang which might also indulge people into the magazine as its words from the star himself. The plain white background runs with the black, white and red theme being used giving another clean look.

This cover is from a British Music magazine run by the BBC, it includes classical music and genres that relate to classical music. As the genre is different to the two magazines above you can guess that the front cover is going to look different. The title in this magazine uses serif where as the other magazines uses sans-serif. Like the Vibe magazine this uses a red and white theme how ever the colour picture does not link to any of this which makes me think that it is a general colour scheme used for every magazine. This then relates the the magazine not being such a professional magazine compared to the other ones i have examined. The picture seems well edited with a shadow to add layers and effect how ever there is a lot of unused space which could be used without spoiling the clean look. the barcode is also layered with pictures, i think that they have done this because the bar code draws attention and then leading the attention onto the picture which would be an inside story of what the magazine has inside.

Thursday 27 January 2011

Mock Cover

The picture above is a mock design of what the layout of a magazine could be, this is just a standard basic design with the content features and information over laying a big picture in the middle. The main content info is normally about the picture in the middle the picture may also over lap the mast head a little bit, ensuring that all focus is on the picture and not the title. This also adds a little bit of a professional effect to the magazine.

This is also a design i had in mind, its a little different from the usual magazine front covers but it would be able to get more than one story or picture onto the front cover. I wont be using this as the project that we are doing requires a main story, using this design will result in equal attention from all the content info which is what we don't want when the theme of the magazine is based on one story.

This is the brief design of a contents page that i came up with, its very standard but will help me later on as i need to design my own, this simple design includes a title, 2 pictures and the page number + description. Although its a simple design it may work quite well as simple basic contents pages can work well if they are constructed correctly.
This contents page is taken from a professional magazine, although it is not in English i have chosen to upload it as the large colour scheme actually works quite well as the picture is in black and white, how ever the eye of the person in the picture is left with some colour to draw attention towards the person, i think that they have chosen to leave the eye a colour because when you look at a person eye contact is the most important visual contact and shows a lot of emotion, more than any facial expression. The vast amount of colours used works well as the colours are very subtle and do not over power the rest of the page. The picture is blended into the rest of the theme quite well, this magazine looks professionally done.

This contents page is a double page spread, it holds both pictures and a theme, compared to the last contents page this one has used a different method to make the pictures stand out, for one they are in colour and are not blended into the rest of the page but edited to stand out with strait lines on a black to white background. however i think the theme of this magazine is wrongly used, the two matching images either side of the contents page draw too much from the pictures and writing. The smart layout of the rest of the contents page does add a professional look as it gives the effect they have done this thing before and know what the audience want. The pictures also have numbers on them, this shows that the picture will be related to the page number, saves the time of reading the contents page.

This contents page takes a different style to the two above, although wide variety colour schemes don't tend to work well this one has been done with a cleaver and successful look, this is taken from a music magazine and by the colour of this contents looks like its aimed at the younger generation. As this doesn't look like it would be aimed at the adult audience, this magazine keeps its professional look as its messy style with a vast variety of fonts all add effect that has been caused on purpose

Wednesday 26 January 2011

This is the front cover to the preliminary task, it has some ideas in what could be used in creating the actual
 front cover. The orange colour scheme is used as it is linked to the small logo on the hoodie in the picture, the reason i linked it to this is that i found the other colours too dull and didn't bring the magazine any justice. The different style of fonts symbolise a students book as a stereotypical book is covered with notes and scribbles. It just adds the little effect of being more suitable for students. The picture of the main story is not as large as a typical magazine, the reason for this is that it leaves enough room for a final story to make the cover seem more interesting. how ever i think that next time i will use a larger image as it does add a effect and makes the cover seem more professional. The shadow around the image was edited by me in fireworks, but the rest of the cover was constructed one piece at a time in publisher, using both programs gives variety of effects that can be added, personally i think that fireworks is more professional how ever requires more skill to use.

This is the original picture before being edited. The picture was taken by me. I chose to take this picture on a white background to make the editing process that little bit more simple also it allows the process of editing the picture a lot more smooth. I got the prototype model to stand in this position to give a cheeky pose effect to see how different poses would give different ideas across to the viewer, i found that using this one gives the effect that he is hiding something that the magazine will later reveal, which will catch the eyes of the reader and keep him interested in what the magazine has to show.

Monday 17 January 2011

Preliminary Task

In this magazine cover they have structured it a little different to the standard magazine cover. For example the title is in front of the picture drawing attention to the title more than the picture. This takes the effect away from the story that will be featured in this magazine. The subheadings on the cover are also structured differently as they are in the center of the page instead of being listed down the side. This shows that the magazine is more armature and may not be as successful as other magazines.

In this cover the black and lime green contrasting really highlights the titles drawing attention to them. The lime green colouring is themed to the title of the magazine. The picture is in front of the title of the magazine to draw attention to the picture, not the title. The dark background also highlights the picture and makes the font lighter, reducing the attention from the unfilled space, it makes the cover seem like it is full but tidy at the same time. The more important the text the larger it is, The title being the largest shortly followed by the main story of the magazine, this main story will be related to the image on the cover of the magazine.

The cover of this magazine is not as professional as the second one but it is created with some effort and talent. It takes after the more traditional magazine covers by putting the picture in front of the title to show that the main story of this magazine is about the picture. The colour scheme matches the picture also, red title matches the red shirt the female in the picture is wearing. The blue subheadings match the match the shorts that the female is wearing. this creates a colour theme that they can use for the rest of the magazine, it adds a professional touch to the magazine. The picture of the female is not edited but given depth of Field by making the background blurred luring attention towards the main part of the picture not anything else.
over all i believe this looks like a professional magazine but does lack in some touches that would complete it.