Thursday 14 April 2011

Front Cover

Every front cover has to start with something, so on mine i decided to start with some sort of frame in which i can use for all pages of my magazine, a type of theme you could call it. I made the boarder by simply using a square tool in fireworks and then using the rubber with a the fade attachment set to max, this gave a effect that it blends into the white, making the whole thing seem more professional, The title is very quite simple, its just different text boxes used in different layers to and rotated, with a short red box under the title to create a type of font that was available on the software that i was using. The two lines at the top used the same method as the large one down the left hand side just shrunk and rotated. Over all i like the colour scheme as its quite simple, stands out very well and gives a lasting impact on the viewer, another good reason in which i chose this colour scheme is that it is easy to use for more than one type of story and page still have having the same impact.

 This print screen of my cover shows the headings i have chosen to include on the page. i have kept the same colour scheme for the headings as it keeps the same effect, simple yet very powerful. I have chosen to keep the number of headings to a low and have a large image as the main attention, the image is of some one famous that the readers would recognize without the need for much information on him, this artist that is featured on the front will also be the subject of the double page article. The text on the front cover will over lap the picture a little bit but not enough to reduce effect of the photo its self, just enough to keep some attention to the actual headings. The picture i use will be in black and white, i will also try to find something red to colour coordinate it to the title of the magazine.
 This picture is just an example image of what i may use in the final design, the picture is black and white. The i have edited this image to some extent just to see how different effects look on it, for example i have added a slight shadow, you cant see it that well as the picture is black and white. To get the picture black and white from colour is quite simple, in fireworks you just change the hue and saturation levels to give the effective black and white effect that is desired. I think that this picture would be more effective if he was looking directly at the camera, how ever this isnt the picture i will use in the final cover, just an example to show effects and editing.

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