Friday 15 April 2011

Audience FeedBack Contents Page

Jack Bland
Positives - I think that the contents is smartly laid out with the italic font.
i like the way the text moves around the picture, making the picture seem more important.
The matching boarder looks quite good as it links it to the front cover.
Negatives - There is too much on the contents page, too much for the eye to take in
no background, the white background makes it look like little effort was put into it

Dean Ramsay
Positives - i think that the title is well done gives a nice effect
the way you have designed the tattoo is very well done, makes everything else seem real
negatives - doesnt seem to be many pages in this magazine
The picture of the artist isnt very big
the smart looking italic font is quite hard to read.

Oli Warden
Positives - I like the small image at the bottom leaning on the title of the magazine, It gives a nice feel
the way contents is split into two and the words over lap each other
the exclusive stamp at the bottom gives a nice effect
Negatives - it looks quite messy and rushed to be put together
the boarder its too attention drawing like on the front cover
the writing is hard to read

Lewis Atkins
Positives - i like the way the text is structured around the pictures
the images arnt too attention drawing from the rest of the cover
the tattoo gives a real feel to the rest of the contents page as you have other images other than the ones taken
negatives - looks quite clustered and busy
i think you could utilise the space more make it give a nice effect
the title at the bottom isnt seen in many music magazines.

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