Thursday 14 April 2011

Finished cover, article. contents

This is the finished front cover, The thing i like the most about this is the image adds a large amount of effect to the whole thing, the image also plays a the most important role in drawing attention, to get this effect from the image i had to adjust the sharpness of the photo and then the hue and saturation, i also added some "snow TV" effect to it to give the random colour changes, i think it works well as its not to powerful but still has a lot of power at the same time. if i could change one thing about the front cover it would be to rearrange the whole thing and have more headings instead of a large close up, also the picture would show more than one person, a band would fit well! over all i really like the colour scheme and the way the picture fits in with everything, the clean simple design is also attracting.


This is the finished contents page, i have rearrange the layout to fit some pictures in to give it a more realistic look, the pictures i have chose to include are to give a insight into a few of the stories that will be included into the magazine, one of the images is not of a person but of a tattoo that i made using fireworks, it took about a hour - 2 hours, and will upload some print screens of that, i included the tattoo so it doesnt look like the only images i use are ones taken by cameras but to show that i can produce some images using creative skills and computer programs. if i could change one thing about this contents page it would be to change the amount of writing and the way everything doesnt look too organized even though thats what i wanted to achieve. over all i think that this contents page isnt the best of my ability but it does fit in with the theme of the article and front cover.

This is the finished double page article, compared to previous pictures i have shown this one includes pictures of the artist, i have chosen to add pictures of the artist because with the style of questions i have used it makes them feel like they are actually talking to them while they look at the picture as they think about the answer the artist has just given, the lay out of this page has not changed since the other pictures that i have shown and i quite like how smart and clean the page looks. I chose to use question and answers because of what i said about it making the audience feel like they are actually speaking to the artist. Over all i like the small sized pictures in the double page because it gives room to get some important information about the artist in the answers, if i only used small amounts of information it would look like the interview was rushed and very unprofessional

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