Friday 15 April 2011

Audience FeedBack - Front Cover

Jack Bland
Positives - I think jake has edited the picture well, this is because he has used a way which wouldnt normally work well but as it fits in with his style and colour theme.
The boarder that he has used makes it less boring and more interesting, its also different.
The style of the font, that is used to create a effect and placement of the font.
I like the clean lay out that has been used to create a smart looking front cover.
Negatives - I think it would look better with a background that can be used in more than on page.
Dont keep changing the colour of the fonts every letter, it plays with the eyes, would look better if it was just one solid colour.
No subtitle under the mast head, this can be used to give information about the magazine.

Oli warden
Positives - The picture is the main eye catching and an attractive feature
well combined colour scheme
negative - i'm repelled by the black border on the left hand side

Dean Ramsay
Positives - I like the title, its underline really makes it stand out
The shade added to the picture adds a nice effect which makes the image stand out.
The effect added to the picture gives a different feel to the whole picture as it catches the most attention and because he is looking directly at the camera
Negative - The boarder down the side draws too much attention
The picture should be slightly smaller and have more headings
maybe put the barcode on the inside page instead of the front cover.

Lewis Atkins
Positives - the image was the first thing to catch my eye, he looks cool and is staring right into the eyes of the viewer
The title matches the surroundings really well as it keeps the name of the magazine bold and noticeable
Negatives - Have more titles on the front cover instead of a large image.
dont change the colour of the text so often

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