Monday 7 March 2011

This double page spread is taken from a rock magazine, it shows that it is using a simple black and white layout, the colour scheme of this page is taken from the woman's red shirt which is tied into a very small part of the article which includes some red text. this makes it look like they have taken time to bring this page together and pick up on little things which add a nicer feel to the article as a whole. another thing used on this page to create a effect is the large title which is in fact a quote from the artist, the extreme size of it makes the reader assume that it is more important than the rest of the article. the picture being the part of the article that brings the most attention as the artist featured is looking at the camera as if she is looking at the reader, this gives the eye to eye contact that tells a lot about the facial expression that the artist is feeling, in this she looks quite happy but with a attitude which links into the large title. 

this double page spread is taken from the magazine vibe, i am including this one into the blog as it takes a strange unique style which not many magazines use, in fact this is the first style that i have seen like this. the way this article is so unique is that it uses 2 images which are littered with words about the artist on this page. the images are not as bold as the words but do have there little bit of attention as they are not fully covered by words, there isn't really a colour theme used in this page as so many colours have been used, although black and white seem to be the ones that they have picked up on the most. the black picture background with bold white writing on makes the writing stand out and gives effect to it being more important than the picture, how ever the artist included in the picture is looking directly at the camera which its that important eye contact which makes pictures so effective in drawing attention. the small text over the top of the picture is for those who really want to find out more in detail and have the time to read the whole article, there is a larger segment of text which will sum up the whole article for those that do not want to read the full thing, i think that this is crucial in the magazine because it allows people to find out some detail about the article without having to read the whole thing, it also lets the people know if they want to read on about the rest of the article. The pictures in the article are using different to normal shots and poses, for example the picture on the right page is more standard than the left on how ever the page lay out really changes the whole feel of the picture, the picture on the left how ever uses a strange colour theme which isn't expected in the average magazine, this colour theme involves a black and orange tank top which fits into the colour of the title. over all the strange theme that this article uses is so different it works well which is what the magazine have achieved in a really cleaver method.

This article is a single page from kerrang magazine, i am including this one as it is different from the two above. this page has had to create its own theme as there wasn't anything they could take from the pictures, the yellow and white with a black border make things easy to see. another thing about this colour scheme is that it isn't normal the shade of yellow is a more mustard dark colour which helps with the ease of viewing it. The picture in the top right of the article is surrounded with a boarder to make it look smarter and neater how ever the picture in the bottom left isn't surrounded by a boarder, this is to make it look like he actually quoted the quote in the text there and then. The title is another quote from the artists included in this article which makes the whole thing a band instead of being the solo artists in previous articles that i have examined, the quote is left with a cliff hanger as the publishers cant answer the whole of the article in the title alone. Under the title it states what the article is about and who it is about, this is to let the viewers know what the article consists of and who is inside it. if they didn't include this it would require the readers to skim through the text to find out what the article is about unless they recognised the pictures and took a guess. Below the picture of the main picture is a little snap shot of the new released album for some advertising for the album. I think that the magazine would of offered to include a segment about the album and advertisement to make Linkin Park want to do the interview more. This segment of the album is sectioned off by a boarder to make it stand out from the rest of the article to make it seem more important and lets the readers know that it is not related to the rest of the article.

1 comment:

  1. Jake - you have fallen quite a long way behind with this and must be working outside of lessons. Your research and planning is given a mark out of 20 and comprises the following (which you have in your mark scheme):
    - research into similar products and a potential target audience.
    - organisation of actors
    - work on layouts/drafting level of care in presentation
    - time management

    At the moment you only have evidence for half the first bullet point. You should also by now be well into your production, which is given a mark out of 60...

    You need to get going with this Jake.
