Friday 4 February 2011

Contents Page

This contents page is taken from the music cover that i analysed earlier, i chose to use the same magazine as it is now possible for cross reference of a different scale. This contents includes a picture of the front cover, although i think that this was later edited in its a good way to see what magazine it came from, As you can see from the front cover it is in a black and white theme. The contents, as suspected, is also in the black and white theme, which adds a theme to the total magazine. How ever there is no red on the contents page which makes me think that vibe want to make the cover stand out more to intrigued into buying the magazine. The picture of the contents page what looks like the stereotypical ghetto looks like. this adds a sympathetic look towards the picture and makes the audience feel happy that he has succeeded in the music industry. Another thing to notice is that there are animals off focus in the picture which gives the effect that this picture was not taken in the UK as there would be no animals in the street. This gives the effect once again that this picture is from a ghetto. The text used in this contents is very small and simple apart from the main headings which uses a complex 'graffiti' type font, this gives the effect of the ghetto and hip hop theme once more.

This contents is taken from the kerrang magazine which i analysed for the front cover, This isn't from the same issue but i find it useful to analyse one from the same brand of magazine because they will be in the same guide lines for all magazines, This magazine uses a clean look with pictures marked with the page numbers, this has been used as it is a quicker way to find out whats on that page without having to read anything, This saves time and i think that the target audience might be of the younger generation which is known for being much more lazy than other generations, this saves reading something that does not have to be read. The picture also gives a lot more information than some text as it can show emotions, whats going on and much more than any words can describe. The contents page uses a colour scheme, all the titles and numbers are of the same colour, this keeps it basic and simple. it still gives of the professional effect though.
The main picture in the contents is nearly 5 times the size of the other pictures this shows that it is more important, it may also mean that this picture is the topic for the double page spread. At the very top there is a large amount of text from the editor which is very small to draw little attention although it is still of some importance, it is also signed by the editor him self to show that it is his work and not from some one else.

This contents page is taken from another hip hop music magazine as i could not find one to match the classical genre. However this magazine is from the same genre as a previous magazine that i analysed, this time the magazine uses a different colour scheme and picture style to make the contents page. the lay out of the contents title is different to normal as it uses 3 lines for one word and its at a strange angle, this adds effect to the magazine and gives it a type of "slang" attitude which fits in with its target audience. the lay out of the contents page its self is very different to the normal stereotypical contents, for example the picture is more important than the words which tell the page numbers with a little description about what is on each page. how ever on this magazine the picture is standing out much more than anything mentioned in the description this may show that the picture is what the main article in the magazine is about and makes the reader want to read on. the small writing makes it harder to read which in tern brings the magazine closer to the readers eyes for them to become more engrossed into the magazine. the picture in the contents is in the same colour scheme as the background, she is wearing a grey top and grey shoes and the background is also grey, this gives a more professional look towards the magazine, this also shoes the the artist featured in this magazine has gone out the way for a photo shoot just for the magazine.

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