Tuesday 1 February 2011

Music Magazine

This is a cover taken from the music magazine "Kerrang!", They are a very popular magazine in the rock industry and hold quite a large amount of the market. I chose to include this magazine on my blog as I'm trying to get a wide range of music, it will help me to compare different styles on different genres of music. In this magazine you can see that they have decided to use the band in the main picture as the theme, they are in front of the title which makes them the center of attention and also gives a well edited look making the magazine look more professional look. As the magazine needs to fit to the criteria for more than one person some other pictures and sub titles have been included to increase the range the magazine applies for. The magazine its self will have more stories inside than that is advertised on the cover only the main more important stories and articles will be advertised on the cover. To add effect to the cover they have used layers to make it more professional looking, for example the pictures are surrounded with a shadow layer to make them stand out. also the theme of this magazine is quite dark with a lot of blood red, it ties in with the fact that it is a rock magazine.

This cover is from a magazine that specializes in the hip hop genre, compared to the kerrang magazine this takes a different style, Vibe goes for a more clean look, on this issue there is no colour scheme so one is created from scratch to work with the picture, As black and red are contrasting colours it works well, The star on the front is very well known in his industry which also helps sell the magazine, you can also see how important he is by the size of the picture compared to the sub headings. unlike most magazines Vibe doesn't put a bar code on the front cover this means that the bar code will have to be placed somewhere else. It also gives a cleaner feel as there is nothing blocking the picture. As the main star of this magazine is T.I. a quote from what he is saying is used as a content info, The quote is in slang which might also indulge people into the magazine as its words from the star himself. The plain white background runs with the black, white and red theme being used giving another clean look.

This cover is from a British Music magazine run by the BBC, it includes classical music and genres that relate to classical music. As the genre is different to the two magazines above you can guess that the front cover is going to look different. The title in this magazine uses serif where as the other magazines uses sans-serif. Like the Vibe magazine this uses a red and white theme how ever the colour picture does not link to any of this which makes me think that it is a general colour scheme used for every magazine. This then relates the the magazine not being such a professional magazine compared to the other ones i have examined. The picture seems well edited with a shadow to add layers and effect how ever there is a lot of unused space which could be used without spoiling the clean look. the barcode is also layered with pictures, i think that they have done this because the bar code draws attention and then leading the attention onto the picture which would be an inside story of what the magazine has inside.

1 comment:

  1. Some good analysis here Jake, well done. Definitely enough for level two and moving into level three. Make sure that you keep the same level of detail going for contents pages and double-page spreads.

    The BBC magazine - The masthead uses a serif font, not a sans-serif.
