Wednesday 26 January 2011

This is the front cover to the preliminary task, it has some ideas in what could be used in creating the actual
 front cover. The orange colour scheme is used as it is linked to the small logo on the hoodie in the picture, the reason i linked it to this is that i found the other colours too dull and didn't bring the magazine any justice. The different style of fonts symbolise a students book as a stereotypical book is covered with notes and scribbles. It just adds the little effect of being more suitable for students. The picture of the main story is not as large as a typical magazine, the reason for this is that it leaves enough room for a final story to make the cover seem more interesting. how ever i think that next time i will use a larger image as it does add a effect and makes the cover seem more professional. The shadow around the image was edited by me in fireworks, but the rest of the cover was constructed one piece at a time in publisher, using both programs gives variety of effects that can be added, personally i think that fireworks is more professional how ever requires more skill to use.

This is the original picture before being edited. The picture was taken by me. I chose to take this picture on a white background to make the editing process that little bit more simple also it allows the process of editing the picture a lot more smooth. I got the prototype model to stand in this position to give a cheeky pose effect to see how different poses would give different ideas across to the viewer, i found that using this one gives the effect that he is hiding something that the magazine will later reveal, which will catch the eyes of the reader and keep him interested in what the magazine has to show.

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