Thursday 27 January 2011

This contents page is taken from a professional magazine, although it is not in English i have chosen to upload it as the large colour scheme actually works quite well as the picture is in black and white, how ever the eye of the person in the picture is left with some colour to draw attention towards the person, i think that they have chosen to leave the eye a colour because when you look at a person eye contact is the most important visual contact and shows a lot of emotion, more than any facial expression. The vast amount of colours used works well as the colours are very subtle and do not over power the rest of the page. The picture is blended into the rest of the theme quite well, this magazine looks professionally done.

This contents page is a double page spread, it holds both pictures and a theme, compared to the last contents page this one has used a different method to make the pictures stand out, for one they are in colour and are not blended into the rest of the page but edited to stand out with strait lines on a black to white background. however i think the theme of this magazine is wrongly used, the two matching images either side of the contents page draw too much from the pictures and writing. The smart layout of the rest of the contents page does add a professional look as it gives the effect they have done this thing before and know what the audience want. The pictures also have numbers on them, this shows that the picture will be related to the page number, saves the time of reading the contents page.

This contents page takes a different style to the two above, although wide variety colour schemes don't tend to work well this one has been done with a cleaver and successful look, this is taken from a music magazine and by the colour of this contents looks like its aimed at the younger generation. As this doesn't look like it would be aimed at the adult audience, this magazine keeps its professional look as its messy style with a vast variety of fonts all add effect that has been caused on purpose

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